
CF-L1 Trainer


Amber started her CrossFit journey in Houston in 2015. As a former gymnast and swimmer, Amber was eager to continue her improvement as and athlete and competitor. She enjoyed the challenge and variety of the workouts and soon became hooked on the sport of CrossFit. She later lived in China and Taiwan for six years and joined her first official box. 

Amber moved back to the US in 2021, and began coaching CrossFit group classes and personal training. Amber’s professional background includes a Master’s degree in Athletic Training, with specialized training in sports medicine and injury prevention. This has proven invaluable in her work training others in CrossFit. She is passionate about helping clients get fitter, faster, and stronger in the safest and healthiest way possible. Amber loves helping people identify and achieve their goals to their fullest potential. 

In her free time, Amber loves to travel (Southeast Asia is her fave), eat delicious food, compete against her husband Ben in WODs, and work on their daughter’s (Calianna-almost 2 year old) pull up and back squat. 


  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • Certified Athletic Trainer (BOC)
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM)

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